Thursday, October 19, 2006

OpenBSD on VAX using SIMH

OpenBSD as a race car data logger

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

OpenOffice2 on OpenBSD

Currently (3.9) it requires Linux Binary emulation installed manually, available only for "i386".

# uname -a
OpenBSD backupserver.hifxchn2.local 3.9 GENERIC.RAID#0 amd64
# cd /usr/ports/emulators/redhat/
# make install
===> emulators/redhat/base
===> redhat_base-8.0p8 is only for i386, not amd64.
===> emulators/redhat/libc5
===> redhat_libc5-6.2p0 is only for i386, not amd64.
===> emulators/redhat/motif
===> redhat_motif-2.1.30p3 is only for i386, not amd64.

HowTos - 1, 2,

Hope fully from 1 & 2 it seems that OpenBSD 4.0 will have a port for it :-)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Tuning OpenBSD for Routing with OpenBGPD at "Higher Speeds"

For Turning Kernel Options for OpenBGPD under OpenBSD generally you need to do nothing.
Henning Brauer says you need to change nothing except changing "net.inet.ip.ifq.maxlen" to "250" for routing at "higher speeds"

"pkg_add" will work over "SSH" now - from Marc Espie

There are mainly 3 ways to instal 3rd party applicatons in OpenBSD.

1) Packages - They are pre-compiled binaries that can be installed using the pkg_add(1) command.
2) Ports
3) Compile from source tarball released by the 3rd party.

To packages stored on a remote system can be installed at home using pkg_add(1) in conjunction with http or ftp or scp.
Marc Espie says "plain SCP" won't correctly and has made pkg_add(1) now to work with SSH.

Marc Espie talks on OpenBSD "ports" internals

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Anonym.OS - browse Internet Anonymusly with OpenBSD live CD with Onion Routing Network

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Examples of Securing Software much much before others.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

OpenBSD 3.8 Released

Friday, February 04, 2005

A good OpenBSD resource - 1

The replacing document for the ever expanding /topic on the #OpenBSD channel on